There is no such thing as being individual there is always something else involved like Twinkies individually wrapped but part of a box.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Heroes To Villians

Many times in literature there are the hero and the good guy figures. But in some novels, the good guy or hero may not be as great as they may seem. Sometimes they are the villain but you wouldn’t know that from their point of view. They believe that they are doing the right things, but from another’s they are criminals. I know of two examples of this scenario, the first is Fahrenheit 451. In it firemen are portrayed as the good guys by ridding society of books which are known as primitive pieces of information. The other example is John Hammond from Jurassic Park. For most of the book you see him as a good guy but later when things start going bad you really get to know him.
At the beginning of Fahrenheit 451 you know Guy as a firefighter doing the service of ridding society of books that are known as obsolete. You think he is doing the right thing until he starts thinking about what he’s doing. That is the point when you realize that he isn’t doing anyone a favor but being a plain out murderer. He finally realizes that when a woman refuses to leave her forsaken house and is soon engulfed in fiery oblivion. After this event he decides that he wants to go against what he did and bring books back.
In Jurassic Park you are introduced to John Hammond, an eccentric entrepreneur. He is shown as a man who loves everybody and wouldn’t want anything to happen to anybody. He is just a man with a mission to open an amusement park featuring living dinosaurs. But when things go wrong, dinosaurs escape, and people die he turns to a nasty, greedy, self-consumed jerk who cares about nothing but money and his own well-being. We see an example of this when he thinks about  opening a new park but with less chance of failure -- because he doesn’t care about any fatalities from the current park.
There is a big connection between both stories,;they both portrayed the characters as good guys in the beginning but as you get to know more and more you realize that they are actually evil-doers. However, there is also a big difference between the two and that is the fact that Guy attempts to undo what he has done while Hammond stays the same old stingy guy that he has always been deep down.
Things have a way of connecting though not intentionally, especially in literature.  These are pretty similar in the way they introduce the characters but as the books progress  they become different in the way the characters experiences the events. Despite these similarities and differences no matter what, they are both great novels.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriots Pen
Long ago our founding fathers had one of the biggest responsibilities of all time; this task was to single handedly build what is now one of the biggest countries in the world. Many wonder what type of leadership, bravery, and perseverance  it would take to do this, yet we can still not fully describe. However if someone could just have one conversation with them I’m sure they could see all of these important aspects and warn them about flaws and weaknesses in their new found system.
The first thing I would warn them to do is get rid of slavery from the beginning this way the Civil War would never take place and hopefully save thousands of lives. I would also tell them the many other problems that had occurred due to segregation. Another thing I would warn the group about ,would be to treat the native Americans as well as you would treat your own family and friends. If the early settlers would have done this that means that there would have been less deaths between the groups and  friendlier terms with a new ally.
I would also tell them the great things that they and planned and showed them that they did create a very strong country . The biggest thing the stands out to me is the freedom of speech and religion.  I believe that this is what makes the United States so great, it gives us the right to our own opinion without any consequences. Anyone can have their thoughts and their neighbor can have another that the way it is and it is great.
The founding fathers had tons of pressure on their shoulders but they got the job done. They had a tremendous amount of leadership, bravery, and perseverance. Although there are a few thing I would have changed that they didn’t do I believe they did a good job and they should be recognized for that.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cause/Effect For Jurassic Park

Authors note: If you do not want pieces of information to be ruined then I wouldn't read this piece if I were you.

     In Jurassic Park scientists are resurrecting dinosaurs from the past from DNA trapped inside amber.They take the blood from ancient mosquitoes decode the strands of code and soon begin the process of producing living dinosaurs.However everything turns for the worst when Nedry the computer programmer turns off the power and steals the embryos of the dinosaurs for personal gain.The effect of the lack of power was that while the power is off the dinosaurs escape and roam free putting everyone on the island in danger this starts the difficult and dangerous process of returning the power. The cause of Nedry to shut off the power was that a competing bio-engineering company had hired the hard-working unappreciative employee for there own game of industrial espionage. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fahrenheit 451 Conflict/ Resolution
     In a futuristic dystopia books are outlawed and the firemen must burn the remaining text. To do this they receive reports about possible book and book holders. They go to the suspected house and investigate the scene. If they find a book they spray kerosene over the exterior of the house and burn it to the ground with flamethrowers with or without the owner.
    However Guy had read a few a these books and he decided he wanted to try to get the people to stop destroying. The cause of this decision was the fact that he had read the books and that he had talked to a suspected book reader about the bible. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Personal Narrative: The Halloween Village

Every year right before the holiday of  Halloween my family decorates the front yard with corn stalks, pumpkins, and hay. The whole thing looks actually quite nice but after Halloween, now that's a different story. So my brother and I have to haul all the of junk into the back yard where we are supposed to drag them into the woods where we throw all of our leaves and things like that. However this year we wanted to do something with the stuff. So him and I  took the corn stalks and started making small tepees. We did this by standing the stalks on end, shaping them into a cone, and tying the ends together at the top. This just made the very primitive shape of the creations. To make them look a little better we started weaving sticks and leaves into the frame to make them a little more solid. We repeated this about 4 more times after the first one.  After that task there were 5 tepees scattered around the yard. 
If I had known the next was going to be so messy I probably wouldn't have done it. Unfortunately I had no idea so we both cut the strings on the hay bales and poof thousand of strands of hay were just released from their musty prison and now are flying all over our clothes and yard. We then grabbed handfuls of the strands and placed them on the ground inside the structures this small hay layer served as the floor of them. After the main tepees were finished we stabbed a big stick in the middle of each. On the top of the stick we put the decaying jack-o-lanterns. This represented the people of the small houses and from the house it actually looked like little pumpkin people resided in them.
 Following the creation of the population my brother and I started on a big tepee that we would call ours. The time to build this one was far more than any of the others nevertheless this tepee would be extraordinary. We started by tying two cornstalks together to make one long object, we made about twelve of these. Following, we did the same as all of the others and made a cone type frame. Tying the top was a little difficult because it was taller than both of us so I had to hoist my brother up onto my shoulders so he could bind them stalks together. We had to complete the next steps differently due to the size of the tepee. Instead of weaving sticks and leaves into it we had to weave in more cornstalks. After finishing the layer of insulation we put in the bed of golden hay, and it was finally complete. The both of us took a step back and admired our work. 
No sooner than we were done admiring my dad came outside and barked at us to clean up the mess we made. The two us try the best we could to persuade him that they could say but he just wouldn’t let the stand. So for the rest of the afternoon we both glumly tore down the marvelous works and disposed of the materials.

Monday, October 1, 2012

After a robbery  that ended in murder, a young African American teenager, Steve Harmon  is falsely accused of the crime. Now he and his attorney must go against all odds to prove his innocence. Can he somehow prove this innocence or spend the rest of his life in prison