There is no such thing as being individual there is always something else involved like Twinkies individually wrapped but part of a box.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Being a famous celebrity is was over-rated. Running from vicious fans that will do anything to meet you in person, staying up till’ the early hours of the day. Then there is your manager….

“Are you crazy? It’s four o’ clock in the morning!” Bill screamed.
“What?” I asked in a raspy voice.   

“You start your tour tomorrow and you need your rest.” Sitting there on the hard barstool I knew he was right. I tried to stand but immediately stumbled. I had forgotten that I spent all day in the dreary bar.
                                                                    To be continued....

Friday, November 18, 2011

Milkweed Essay

The book Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli takes place in the time of the Holocaust, the (in my opinion) worst time in history. During that time period over 11 million people died from the Nazi’s reign of terror. Misha, the main character of Milkweed is an abandoned orphan living on the streets and stealing to survive. Misha changes his beliefs about the Jackboots.

The story is told from Misha’s point view. MIsha frequently misinterprets terrible events and situations. For example, he thought a march of Jews that were being sent to camps was a pretty little parade. Another example is that he thought the Jackboots looked cool because they had neat uniforms. He actually wanted to become a Jackboot. It never occurred to Misha that the Jackboots could be evil.

Misha changes his mind when he realizes the Jackboots are truly evil. Misha realizes the ghetto was a camp the Nazi’s sent Jews and later Gypsies to die. All of the boys were caught and then sent to it. Cut off from the outside world with the dwindling amount of food, Misha starts smuggling food inside of the ghetto. Some of the other boys started also but weren’t so lucky when they were hung from lampposts. After being sent there he truly sees who the Jackboots are.

Overall, Misha  is a dynamic character who is living in the time of the Holocaust and who has to learn what is really happening. His dream of becoming one of the shining Jackboots is diminished when he reaizes that things were too good to be true.

Monday, November 7, 2011


As I look down at my lifeless body hanging from the street lamp I know for sure that angels exist. The other boys may not have believed me but I knew it was true. I see the sign around my neck and read it, those Jackboots disgust me. I float up and up and up not stopping even in nothingness. Then a light surrounds me and then I feel nothing.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


If  there was no spoken or written language what would the world be like?
There would be no communication besides body language and that might be hard to interpret. It would be almost impossible to live or even exist. There would be no need for mail, phones, e-mails, or any IM service at all. Life would be boring without communication. What would we do during the time of our lives? Just think….. nothing at all. Nobody would trade, work, farm, learn, or speak. We would probably not survive from the lack of food and housing.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Am I proud of my country

Am I proud of my country? That is a really good question and my answer to it is yes I am very proud of my country. I really do although that we have made some terrible decisions as a country we resolved them and revised them. That is the way our country is built. It is built on the idea of freedom. There are not certain rules that we need to follow and we can do as we please if it is safe under laws.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I feel release is bad because it is almost like murder or manslaughter. The people of the community don't even know it. Release is injecting someone with enough chemicals or medicine to kill.

Everybody has to die eventually that’s the way it works. In the community the elders try to stop death. Instead people get released to elsewhere which is actually a chute their bodies go down.

The people of the community deserve to know what release really is. Those people of the work force like Jonas' dad they give the recipients a shot and they turn limp.

Jonas watched a tape of a Release. He saw his father giving the smaller of a set of twins a shot in his forehead. The infant struggled but he couldn’t compete and was injected.   Soon the baby was motionless with no signs of life, Jonas was terrified.

I think the release victims should go to one place and live the rest of their life in a beautiful place and die naturally. That would probably be the best thing for them. I would want them to live their life to the fullest because eventually I would be in that situation.

I think that their way of thinking is terrible and gross and I am disgusted by it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bruce the Pakistani garbage man.

Running from the hospital Bruce runs into an alley. Knowing the police were close behind, he ducks around a corner. Peeking around the corner he sees four squad cars speeding past: sirens blazing.”Shoot,” Bruce murmured to himself. Looking behind him he sees the miles of fields and pastures. He jumps the fence and runs into the eerie landscape.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Importance of Color

I am currently reading the book The Giver for Language Arts class. In the story the Elders of the community banned and destroyed color in the story. So today I am explaining why the elders might do so and the effects of that decision.

After reading the book The Giver I think the Elders banned color because they didn’t want people to make unnecessary choices. As the Giver said if you make the wrong choice it can sometimes lead to a bad reaction. The Elders chose that difference was wrong they wanted all people to see the same thing every day. They did not want each person to see different colors every day. The problems caused by the ban of color may lead to depression even though they have a pill for that.

I do not know what I would do if there was no color. If I could not see color I would probably miss he scenic sun setting in the distance. A world without color would be so lame I could not see any joy in that world. In my opinion the people in that world don’t know what they are missing. This is my opinion on a world without color

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hard Earned Freedom

As I look across the room I see stars many stars ; as I look at them I think about the people that made them possible. Many members of family helped  the stars  stay bright and a sign of pride. What I see is the American Flag as I think about our country's history I think about bad and good times. I think about loss and gain and of course freedom.

 Every morning I state my allegiance to our country hoping that it stays strong and powerful. One day though I dream that there could be no more wars and people can have the same freedom as us. I wish there would be no fighting or violence amongst ourselves so there would be no murder or human caused death. I hope the world will one day be better and someday no one will need to worry about freedom.