There is no such thing as being individual there is always something else involved like Twinkies individually wrapped but part of a box.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guy Montag

As time progresses events occur,and through these events experiences are experienced, through these experiences are lessons learned . Often times these experiences have a way a of changing characters but not always. In the case of Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 he certainly changed.
 At the beginning of Fahrenheit 451 you know Guy as a firefighter doing the service of ridding society of books that are known as obsolete and a waste of time . You think he is doing the right thing until he starts actually reflecting on what he is doing.At that  point  you realize that he isn’t doing anyone a favor but is actually just a man killing innocent people. He fully sees this when a woman refuses to leave her forsaken house and is soon engulfed in a fiery oblivion. After this he chooses to leave his life and career to reverse the terrible deeds that he has committed.

Another example of the changes is when the report about Guy's house comes in and Beatty says "You take this flamethrower and burn down the house or I can arrest you now." This point obviously shows that Guy broke the rules of being a citizen in order to try and stop the things he was doing. 

John Hammond from Jurassic Park however does not change. In the beginning chapters he is vaguely described as a nice eccentric old man. Later in the book you start realizing that that was way off from what he is first described as. Near the end of the book you finally see his true identity of the stingy self-centered jerk he always was. No matter what happened throughout the book he kept thinking about personal gain.

In books and in real life things change or stay the same; they swap or they don't. Only through these events and challenges do you see someone's true identity. This true identity may reveal something you never expected or just proved they are who they actually act like.


  1. I liked that you had some good examples of how Guy changed. However I think that the comparison to John was a little to sudden, as you hadn't mentioned him before jumping right into a description.

  2. Good comparison to Jurassic Park, but i think you should proofread it. There are a couple of errors.

  3. I think your comparison to Jurassic Park was good. However you probably should add a a/b transition before the connection to make the piece flow a little better.
