There is no such thing as being individual there is always something else involved like Twinkies individually wrapped but part of a box.

Monday, December 17, 2012


The Scarlet Letter is a book that starts off as slow ans humanly possible. It retains this excitement throughout most of the book even through this huge barrier I can still see where the story is going. My prediction could be spot on or way off. It just depends on the events that occur. This barrier still got in my way and I gave up and stopped reading. 

Hester the main character is kind of unpredictable in the way she acts. You can think that she is going to do one thing but she ends up doing something entirely different. This makes the prediction harder to make but also makes the character more complex. I also have to take into account the other character's feelings. For example Chillingworth is furious because he lost his wife and is now lonely. He isn't mad at Hester but the one she had the affair with. Then there is Dimmesdale who wants to take Pearl away from Hester because she is an unfit parent.

I believe that Hester will eventually release the name of her lover and his identity will be revealed. This action will cause Chillingworth to lose his temper and murder the lover to try and win back Hester. Hester, seeing what has been done will not want to get back with Chillingworth and will move to England with her daughter Pearl. 

The reason for me making making this was the envy Chillingworth had for the lover. He wanted the love Hester once had for him. This envy is a very common motive in books and stories alike. An example of this jealousy is in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves the classic children movie. In the movie it shows the Dark Queen's envy for Snow White which is then turned into a obsession to kill her. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guy Montag

As time progresses events occur,and through these events experiences are experienced, through these experiences are lessons learned . Often times these experiences have a way a of changing characters but not always. In the case of Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 he certainly changed.
 At the beginning of Fahrenheit 451 you know Guy as a firefighter doing the service of ridding society of books that are known as obsolete and a waste of time . You think he is doing the right thing until he starts actually reflecting on what he is doing.At that  point  you realize that he isn’t doing anyone a favor but is actually just a man killing innocent people. He fully sees this when a woman refuses to leave her forsaken house and is soon engulfed in a fiery oblivion. After this he chooses to leave his life and career to reverse the terrible deeds that he has committed.

Another example of the changes is when the report about Guy's house comes in and Beatty says "You take this flamethrower and burn down the house or I can arrest you now." This point obviously shows that Guy broke the rules of being a citizen in order to try and stop the things he was doing. 

John Hammond from Jurassic Park however does not change. In the beginning chapters he is vaguely described as a nice eccentric old man. Later in the book you start realizing that that was way off from what he is first described as. Near the end of the book you finally see his true identity of the stingy self-centered jerk he always was. No matter what happened throughout the book he kept thinking about personal gain.

In books and in real life things change or stay the same; they swap or they don't. Only through these events and challenges do you see someone's true identity. This true identity may reveal something you never expected or just proved they are who they actually act like.

Earl Bumpkin

Smashing through the pounding rain Earl swiftly directs his truck away from a fallen branch; suddenly there was a snap and the truck immediately dropped and started sliding across the pavement. The truck heads towards the edge of the road and "Whoosh" the truck is now weightless while falling towards the creek-bed 120 feet below. Inside, Earl, knowing he is screwed, prepares for the impact that is coming. He sees the rocks through the spider web of glass in front of him and is met quickly with a big patch of green. A tree branch about 2 feet in diameter slams into the front  grill of the car. Earl lurches forward his head almost puncturing the shattered windshield, his seat belt straining against the impact. But the car doesn't stay still for long; it starts to fall backwards towards the large green creek though slower this time. "Splash," the car lands into the water right-side up and starts drifting downstream.

Earl, suddenly aware of his surroundings, realizes that if he stays in the car he will drown. He has to get out now. Terrified Earl tears off the seat belt and hastily grabs the door handle; with water leaking into the car at his ankles through the windshield small holes of water start forming and spew water. Struggling he, tries to open the door but the water outside won't let him open the door. He's trapped and can’t get out he glances to the back seats and then through the windshield which is slowly leaking water. He looks down and sees the water in the car which is now at his knees. He looks back at the windshield and realizes if he could break it he could escape. Looking back again he notices a glimpse of a handle, he grabs it and sees that it is his umbrella. He takes the thing and starts whacking the windshield more water pours in and soon it is up to his waist. Here, patience is not a virtue. "Bang bang bang slosh," he did it the water came in and swept him into the backseat and smashes him against the back window. Pain sears through his back and shoulder but there was still hope. He had to block out his pain if he even possibly wanted to survive.

Gasping for breath in a small pocket of air on the ceiling he takes a deep breath and dives into the water. Sediment was fluttering over every surface of the car finding residence on the new object. This clouded Earl's vision but he kept going, pushing his way through his beloved truck. After a few seconds Earl was losing breath and to make it better he had found the front windshield the hard way. He swam and instantaneously he had a sharp excruciating pain shooting through his head. The water near his head became a light pink tint advised he was bleeding. He ducked his head under the shattered remnants and pushed himself out of the car accidentally  dragging his leg into the mouth of the ferocious glass. He jerked his leg away and headed up towards the surface there were glimmers of light then everything slowly faded to nothingness.

Coughing, Earl wakes up on a sharp river bed with pebbles and rocks surrounding. He begins to take consciousness and sits up doing this gave a burst of pain and he immediately stops moving he looks down at the surrounding rocks and finds them all to have a light red stain then he looks at his leg and sees it. A gash about an inch deep going down his entire calf. He glances at his hands and sees the cover of lacerations. Then he looks at his drenched shirt which had the faded symbol of The Rolling Stones but you wouldn't have known by looking at it. The shirt he was wearing was a crimson red instead of white. Earl leaned his head back on the ground looking up into the late evening sky. He heard the noises of the forest he was immersed in. He was stranded with a huge possibility of death. He had nothing. No defense. No Shelter. No food. No help. No Chance; but most of all he was tired he lightly closed his eyes and he soon returned to the familiarity of the nothingness. 

Sun beating down on his face Earl opened his eyes and was blinded. He moved his hand to cover his face. His skin burned as he touched it. He sat up eyes still closed nervous of the blinding light. He began to blink and eventually open his eyes fully. It was morning and he heard the chirp of birds high up in the canopy of trees. He heard the babbling gurgle of the creek and smelled the fresh scent of rain drops. But this was no time enjoy any of these aspects if he wanted to live he would have to something to stop the blood he was losing and he would need to eat something. The first major problem was his leg and head were the main contributors to the loss of the valuable scarlet amber. He turns his head towards the closest tree and starts to drag himself towards it. What he finds under that tree is the typical things you would find under it. Sticks, Leaves, Grass. "Wait a minute," Earl mumbled to himself. "What is this," picking up a small dandelion looking object. He turns his head to the right, nothing. The to the left and towering over the other trees was a cottonwood tree which had dropped the thing. Earl knew what he was going to do.

Earl grabbed a branch and stripped it of its light furry coat. He put the trees seeds into his wounds, wrapped leaves around the bloody cotton put sticks going down his leg and he had himself a homemade splint. He was now losing less blood but he still need other necessities. He was parched looked down toward the creek and decided to hobble down there and get a drink. Sitting down next to the cool water Earl cupped his hands and slowly began drinking the water. He felt fresh and invigorated giving him new hope; but he was still lost and that was still the same. He looked up the creek were he must have started his unfortunate journey. He saw nothing and knew he was probably miles and miles from the truck . He looked downstream and saw a huge rock face towering above the trees. So he slowly started his quest to the big rock.

Upon arriving, the thing was way bigger than he had thought. It blocked all sunlight which made it nice and cool. Walking alongside the rock Earl came to a small dark cave. It looked dangerous but it was his only form of shelter so he climbed in. Inside it smell nasty like mold and rotting wood. The dripping of water and the squealing  of tiny little bats fluttering around the ceiling filled his ears. Deeper yet he heard a growl…. Almost deep long groan. But this noise wasn’t human, not at all. This noise was from something big something HUGE. Earl gasped for breath and stopped walking through the dark place. He knew he was in trouble so he turned around and started swiftly walking for the exit but then he stopped in his tracks. There was breathing deep long breaths ones that did not belong to him. Spinning on his heels he is now face to face with a huge Grizzly Bear. Retracing his steps he slowly walked backwards but his clumsy brace snapped and he screamed in agony. The bear did not appreciate this and came charging towards the helpless wreck that Earl was. Earl rolled to left and the bear slammed into the spiky cavern wall. It released a deafening roar a turned towards Earl. Earl scrambled to his feet and began limping away from the beast. The bear charged and this time it hit. Earl went tumbling to the ground his head smashing against the rocky floor. He flipped over and saw the bear, huge in his eyes standing on its hind legs. Then it stopped making noise went down on all fours and walked away. “What the h***,” Earl mumbled. Using his arms he started scooting his bottom against the ground towards the exit of the cave.

The chirping birds made Earl aware that he was close to the exit. A cool breeze was blowing on the back on his neck, turned his head around and saw the trunks of trees. Although it was dark he could see the final few birds gracefully dancing in the sky before sundown. Earl attempts to stand but his leg shouts at this plan and immediately kills it. He scoots himself over to the rock face and shimmies his body up it. He standing but not without the wall’s help. It is dark now and Earl decides to fight through the pain. Throwing his leg forward he balances on his good leg then brings his bad leg forward. Pain searing through every inch of his body Earl fights to stay up and pushes forward. His leg collapses and he falls to the grass losing strength and hope. Tired, thirsty, and faint Earl is lost, shrouded in nights mysterious cowl looking for a way out. Laying there motionless Earl breaths his breaths as though he was drowning. Slower, slower, slower, his heart was puttering like an engine without fuel and then it gave up.

The lifeless lump of warm flesh and bones that was once called Earl lays limp in the morning light. Flies begin to gather around their newfound feast.  Then the flies look up: one, two, three, and then they all stare as the grizzly bear familiar with Earl steps out of the cave and smells the morning dew.   There are two more partners, however, both young and playful.  Cubs.  They stop and then sniff again; happy with the peace.  A snout gives a nudge to the two cubs, who curiously walk over to the fly-ridden corpse.  The curious cubs clutch the grotesque leg in their mouths and drag the snack to their den where it is never seen again.

Prediction fort the Beast short story

I think that Steven is hearing his dog or some other animal and assumes it is the beast. I believe that the dog will come back and he will return home safe and sound. His dad will ask him how the walk and that is the end. I believe this because I don't think it would kill the kid because it is a pretty gruesome topic. I also believe this because this is like the scene in Terminator when it turns out that a noise they kept hearing were actually just manufacturing machines and not the Terminator.

My prediction was wrong. This story has a cliffhanger ending open to interpretation but my prediction was wrong no matter what happened. I thought the noise was Chance however it wasn't it was some large animal. It doesn't matter if he survived or not I was wrong.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Heroes To Villians

Many times in literature there are the hero and the good guy figures. But in some novels, the good guy or hero may not be as great as they may seem. Sometimes they are the villain but you wouldn’t know that from their point of view. They believe that they are doing the right things, but from another’s they are criminals. I know of two examples of this scenario, the first is Fahrenheit 451. In it firemen are portrayed as the good guys by ridding society of books which are known as primitive pieces of information. The other example is John Hammond from Jurassic Park. For most of the book you see him as a good guy but later when things start going bad you really get to know him.
At the beginning of Fahrenheit 451 you know Guy as a firefighter doing the service of ridding society of books that are known as obsolete. You think he is doing the right thing until he starts thinking about what he’s doing. That is the point when you realize that he isn’t doing anyone a favor but being a plain out murderer. He finally realizes that when a woman refuses to leave her forsaken house and is soon engulfed in fiery oblivion. After this event he decides that he wants to go against what he did and bring books back.
In Jurassic Park you are introduced to John Hammond, an eccentric entrepreneur. He is shown as a man who loves everybody and wouldn’t want anything to happen to anybody. He is just a man with a mission to open an amusement park featuring living dinosaurs. But when things go wrong, dinosaurs escape, and people die he turns to a nasty, greedy, self-consumed jerk who cares about nothing but money and his own well-being. We see an example of this when he thinks about  opening a new park but with less chance of failure -- because he doesn’t care about any fatalities from the current park.
There is a big connection between both stories,;they both portrayed the characters as good guys in the beginning but as you get to know more and more you realize that they are actually evil-doers. However, there is also a big difference between the two and that is the fact that Guy attempts to undo what he has done while Hammond stays the same old stingy guy that he has always been deep down.
Things have a way of connecting though not intentionally, especially in literature.  These are pretty similar in the way they introduce the characters but as the books progress  they become different in the way the characters experiences the events. Despite these similarities and differences no matter what, they are both great novels.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriots Pen
Long ago our founding fathers had one of the biggest responsibilities of all time; this task was to single handedly build what is now one of the biggest countries in the world. Many wonder what type of leadership, bravery, and perseverance  it would take to do this, yet we can still not fully describe. However if someone could just have one conversation with them I’m sure they could see all of these important aspects and warn them about flaws and weaknesses in their new found system.
The first thing I would warn them to do is get rid of slavery from the beginning this way the Civil War would never take place and hopefully save thousands of lives. I would also tell them the many other problems that had occurred due to segregation. Another thing I would warn the group about ,would be to treat the native Americans as well as you would treat your own family and friends. If the early settlers would have done this that means that there would have been less deaths between the groups and  friendlier terms with a new ally.
I would also tell them the great things that they and planned and showed them that they did create a very strong country . The biggest thing the stands out to me is the freedom of speech and religion.  I believe that this is what makes the United States so great, it gives us the right to our own opinion without any consequences. Anyone can have their thoughts and their neighbor can have another that the way it is and it is great.
The founding fathers had tons of pressure on their shoulders but they got the job done. They had a tremendous amount of leadership, bravery, and perseverance. Although there are a few thing I would have changed that they didn’t do I believe they did a good job and they should be recognized for that.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cause/Effect For Jurassic Park

Authors note: If you do not want pieces of information to be ruined then I wouldn't read this piece if I were you.

     In Jurassic Park scientists are resurrecting dinosaurs from the past from DNA trapped inside amber.They take the blood from ancient mosquitoes decode the strands of code and soon begin the process of producing living dinosaurs.However everything turns for the worst when Nedry the computer programmer turns off the power and steals the embryos of the dinosaurs for personal gain.The effect of the lack of power was that while the power is off the dinosaurs escape and roam free putting everyone on the island in danger this starts the difficult and dangerous process of returning the power. The cause of Nedry to shut off the power was that a competing bio-engineering company had hired the hard-working unappreciative employee for there own game of industrial espionage. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fahrenheit 451 Conflict/ Resolution
     In a futuristic dystopia books are outlawed and the firemen must burn the remaining text. To do this they receive reports about possible book and book holders. They go to the suspected house and investigate the scene. If they find a book they spray kerosene over the exterior of the house and burn it to the ground with flamethrowers with or without the owner.
    However Guy had read a few a these books and he decided he wanted to try to get the people to stop destroying. The cause of this decision was the fact that he had read the books and that he had talked to a suspected book reader about the bible. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Personal Narrative: The Halloween Village

Every year right before the holiday of  Halloween my family decorates the front yard with corn stalks, pumpkins, and hay. The whole thing looks actually quite nice but after Halloween, now that's a different story. So my brother and I have to haul all the of junk into the back yard where we are supposed to drag them into the woods where we throw all of our leaves and things like that. However this year we wanted to do something with the stuff. So him and I  took the corn stalks and started making small tepees. We did this by standing the stalks on end, shaping them into a cone, and tying the ends together at the top. This just made the very primitive shape of the creations. To make them look a little better we started weaving sticks and leaves into the frame to make them a little more solid. We repeated this about 4 more times after the first one.  After that task there were 5 tepees scattered around the yard. 
If I had known the next was going to be so messy I probably wouldn't have done it. Unfortunately I had no idea so we both cut the strings on the hay bales and poof thousand of strands of hay were just released from their musty prison and now are flying all over our clothes and yard. We then grabbed handfuls of the strands and placed them on the ground inside the structures this small hay layer served as the floor of them. After the main tepees were finished we stabbed a big stick in the middle of each. On the top of the stick we put the decaying jack-o-lanterns. This represented the people of the small houses and from the house it actually looked like little pumpkin people resided in them.
 Following the creation of the population my brother and I started on a big tepee that we would call ours. The time to build this one was far more than any of the others nevertheless this tepee would be extraordinary. We started by tying two cornstalks together to make one long object, we made about twelve of these. Following, we did the same as all of the others and made a cone type frame. Tying the top was a little difficult because it was taller than both of us so I had to hoist my brother up onto my shoulders so he could bind them stalks together. We had to complete the next steps differently due to the size of the tepee. Instead of weaving sticks and leaves into it we had to weave in more cornstalks. After finishing the layer of insulation we put in the bed of golden hay, and it was finally complete. The both of us took a step back and admired our work. 
No sooner than we were done admiring my dad came outside and barked at us to clean up the mess we made. The two us try the best we could to persuade him that they could say but he just wouldn’t let the stand. So for the rest of the afternoon we both glumly tore down the marvelous works and disposed of the materials.

Monday, October 1, 2012

After a robbery  that ended in murder, a young African American teenager, Steve Harmon  is falsely accused of the crime. Now he and his attorney must go against all odds to prove his innocence. Can he somehow prove this innocence or spend the rest of his life in prison

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Quotation Quote

"Live Forever Or Die in The Attempt" -Joseph Heller

The meaning of this quote is that if you live think your just going to die it won't be a well spent life but if you act as though you will live forever it will be a life well spent.

I certainly agree with this quote because if you act as though you live forever you will act as though others don't you would have more courage to do what needs and must be done.

For me I play football and our coach always tells us "Football Attitude," meaning that you can be the nicest guy ever off the field but when your out there you try your hardest to do the best you can for the team no matter what.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Duantia Idea

It World of Duantia things aren’t the same as they are for you and me. They are much, much different.

Friday, May 18, 2012

POV The Tell-Tale Heart

In the Tell-Tale Heart By: Edgar Allen Poe the story is told from the point of the narrator. In the piece he is telling it from a first person perspective but doesn't bother to mention his name.There are many examples in the text that prove to us that he is not quite a normal man in the head....If you know what I mean.

One example to the narrators Un-trustworthiness is the fact that he is so keen about the old man's eye. Under usual circumstances someone would notice the eye and take note, but the narrator he creates a strong disliking to the. This hatred is so strong that he feels that he must get rid of the cloudy eye and that is not natural.Another example of this theory is the repetition of him poking his head into the old man's room so many times and so cautiously. The final example of him being not so right is the fact that he kills the old man over a cloudy looking eye which is blind.

However the narrator could have a mental disorder that would tell us if he was a crazy man  or just had a medical issue. If this was caused by a medical issue all these thought would be completely rational for him.ADHD or OCD could have caused to pay so much attention to the eye.

Because of these facts or theories the narrator was obviously unreliable due to the fact of impaired thought. No matter what the cause for the decision was for the murder mental or physical, the story ends up with one man dead and chopped into little pieces and the other in jail for murder.

16yr. Old Girl

The school prom is Tonight  and there is so much to do, my hair is a mess and my nails are bare and I don’t even have a dress.  I’m getting my dress after school with my mom and it is going to be terrible my mom doesn’t know what I like.

At the boutique my mom walks to the dresses with the flowers and I was like mom what are you doing come over here. I walk her over to the pink and blue strapless dresses. We ended up buying the pink one.Then it is time for my hair and nails. We went to Beauty on the Beach and it was terrible my mom was talking to me the entire time. It was finally time for prom.It was 7:00 when I got there. I waited until 8:00 for my date and he still wasn't there. HE DITCHED ME THAT LITTLE JERK.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reaction from Poe Stories

The mind of Edgar Allen Poe was much different from others in his time . That is what makes him a successful author. When others thought of happiness and joy he thought of terror and despair created in the dark reaches of his mind. When you read a Poe story you don’t really feel happy (usually). Instead you feel as though you want to read more or throw down the book. Reading his book is like using a drug it has an addiction of its own. The flow of his words is beautiful but is sometimes a way to confuse you even more so.  Where Poe got the inspirations for these stories only he knows exactly that is what leaves readers mystified and yearning for more.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Fidel Ruler of Cuba/ Napoleon Ruler of the Barn
Authors Note: This might be one of the most difficult essays I have written.
One is a fictional character. The other was a real life ruler of Cuba. That is the only distinct difference. Napoleon is a fictional pig who takes over the barnyard in Animal Farm. Fidel Castro on the other hand is a real life dictator who controlled Cuba through the Cold War and after.  The similarities of the two are striking.
            In the book Animal Farm the barn animals drive out the humans that are taking advantage of the animals. Napoleon then steps in and takes charge of the barnyard putting the Seven Commandments into effect making the animals equal though making some “more equal” than others. He started the army of dogs that did his bidding. On the offshore island Cuba in 1959, Fidel Castro overthrew the government and became Prime Minister (A&E Publications).
Castro's experience as a lawyer made him extremely aware of the great problems in wealth that existed in Cuba. Like many other Cubans, Castro hated the wealth and power of the American businessmen who appeared to control the country. Likewise Napoleon hated the rule of the original dictators, the humans
            However, in both instances there is a case of a flaw in the government. In the book Animal Farm in the beginning there were the humans and they ran the barn yard effectively but unfairly; this is an example of the flaw in the government. With the pigs they may have started with everyone equal but later changed the pigs to having more rights (Orwell). In Cuba the flaw in the government was the American population moving in and taking over the economy (Spartacus Educational).
            With the apparent similarities some people don’t get that impression. Instead they read the book and the words travel right though their eyes into their heads. This story was written based on the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia, but you wouldn’t know that from the book. This teaches me the old lesson of don’t judge a book by the cover.


A&E Publications. "Fidel Castro." 1996-2012. A&E Television Networks. 18 March 2012 <>.

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. 1946.

Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Educational. 2010. 20 March 2012 <>.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Analysis of Mother to Son

“Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.” (Hughes). This is the description of life to a black person in the early 1900’s. Hughes writes the poem “Mother to Son” in the perspective of his single mother. He writes about how life was hard with the racism and segregation from the white people. He describes this pain as the staircase having “Tacks in it, and splinters, and boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor.” (Hughes). In the poem he refers to the “Crystal staircase,” most likely standing for the easy non-caring life with no difficulties otherwise known as a white person’s life. The tone of which the "mother" is speaking is in a calm but in firm tonne. When Hughes wrote this poem he was probably cam because the words and the way it the words flow are in a calm manner.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Lone Traveler of the West

Roaming across the desert like a soldier without an army. The lone tumbleweed flies in the wind, passing by cattle skulls and amber waves of sand. Suddenly all is silent and calm the wind has stopped and the air has cooled. The roaming tumbleweed has settled down, no longer roaming the open skied plains.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


15 seconds on the clock tied 37 to 37. This is it the free throw that wins the game. Will steps up to the line hastily throws and misses, the coach calls a timeout. After being encouraged by his team his spirit rejuvenated he steps up to the line he throw and ‘swish’ is the only thing you hear until the crowd starts screaming. With the clock winding down the ball is thrown down the court shot and missed rebounded and repeated. The game was over the Mustangs had won the Knights had lost 2 players run off the court. After the grueling award ceremony everyone goes home with school sadly running towards them.